Category Archives: Boston News

Stricter Child Seat Law passes unanimously in Illinois, US

In a very welcome move that was long due despite a stern warning from pediatric doctors associations in the USA, where the state of Illinois has made punishable act if not following car seat laws for kids. As per the new law, all child passengers below 2 years of age must be seated in infant seats with … Continue reading Stricter Child Seat Law passes unanimously in Illinois, US

Massachusetts has been chosen as the 7th most distracted driving state in the USA as per research

Talking on the cell phone while driving is an offense but still, it exists. The texting factor is another big distraction for people. There have been several; road accidents that have occurred due to cell phone talking or texting. Thus the problem requires a solution that is imposed strictly. It is appalling to learn the … Continue reading Massachusetts has been chosen as the 7th most distracted driving state in the USA as per research

Why should you prefer taxi / shuttle service?

The transportation sector has undergone several changes over the year. Though there are companies which have started with humble beginnings in the related segment and then have touched the pinnacle of success. The field is highly lucrative and thus the people can even start the taxi service in the premise so their home with just … Continue reading Why should you prefer taxi / shuttle service?

Valentine’s Day Wishes and Taxi Deals from Boston Airport Shuttle

Best wishes on this wonderful day, sweetheart! I am really lucky to have you in my life. You are fun, crazy and smart, and being with you is definitely the happiest moment in my life. Boston Airport Shuttle wishes you a very happy Valentine’s day. In case you need a ride for the occasion please … Continue reading Valentine’s Day Wishes and Taxi Deals from Boston Airport Shuttle